Last update: 07-10 -2024
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Last update: 07-10 -2024

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25 years LIFE programme

Environmental sub-programme

The overall budgetary envelope for the LIFE programme for the period 2014-2020 is EUR 3.4 billion, 75 % of which is attributed to the sub-programme Environment EUR 2 592 491 250.


The sub-programme covers three priority areas:

  • environment and resource efficiency;
  •  nature and biodiversity;
  • environmental governance and information.


At least 55% of the budgetary resources allocated to projects supported by way of action grants are allocated to projects supporting the conservation of nature and biodiversity, including related information and governance, technical assistance and preparatory projects.

The rest of the budget allocated to projects will be allocated to projects under the priority area environment and resource efficiency, including related information and governance, technical assistance and preparatory projects.