What is this?

“Environmental Governance and Information” is a priority area of the Environment sub-programme. Its priority task is the support and consolidation of project ideas that contribute at local, regional, national and/or transnational levels to developing environmental policy management and to increase awareness and knowledge sharing of issues related to environmental protection.
What is its objective?

The specific objectives of the Environmental Governance and Information priority area are:
- - to promote awareness raising on environmental matters, including generating public and stakeholder support of Union policy-making in the field of the environment, and to promote knowledge on sustainable development and new patterns for sustainable consumption;
- - to support communication, management, and dissemination of information in the field of the environment,
- to facilitate knowledge sharing on successful environmental solutions and practice, including by developing cooperation platforms among stakeholders and training;
- - to promote and contribute to more effective compliance with and enforcement of Union environmental legislation, in particular by promoting the development and dissemination of best practices and policy approaches;
- to promote better environmental governance by broadening stakeholder involvement, including NGOs, in consultation on and implementation of policy.
What are the thematic priorities?

Key priorities of Environmental Governance and Information priority area in 2016:
- a) information, communication and awareness raising campaigns in line with the priorities of the 7th Environment Action Programme;
b) activities in support of effective control process as well as measures to promote compliance in relation to Union environmental legislation, and in support of information systems and information tools on the implementation of Union environmental legislation.
What types of activities are eligible?

Any “traditional” LIFE proposal related to the theme referenced above, that:
- is an information, awareness, and dissemination project.
Hungarian success

There is as yet no winning Hungarian proposal.