What is this?
Climate Governance and Information is the third priority area of the LIFE Climate Action Sub-programme. Its priority task is to support and consolidateproject ideas that contribute to developing climate policy management and to increase awareness and knowledge sharing of climate-related issues at local, regional, national and/or transnational levels . Proposals submitted in this priority area will receive grants totalling EUR 7 million in 2016.
What is its objective?
Concrete objectives of the Climate Governance and Information priority area are especially the following:
- Increasing awareness of climate-related issues;
- Support of communication and dissemination of information;
- Sharing knowledge related to successful climate policy solutions and practices;
- More efficient compliance with EU climate governance laws and their more efficient implementation;
- Development of climate governance, extensive consultation concerning implementation of policies (involvement of NGOs).
What are the thematic priorities?
Key priorities of Climate Governance and Information priority area in 2016:
- Establishment of national climate and energy strategies for 2030 and/or 2050 and support of their implementation (National Climate Change Strategy – NCCS; National Energy Strategy;
- Establishment of a reinforced network of emission control and evaluation experts;
- Raising awareness of the services sector and education on the implementation of new climate governance legal regulations (with respect to Directive 517/2014/EU on fluorinated greenhouse gases);
- Establishment of a climate policy monitoring and an ex-post evaluation coordination platform
- Sharing best practices and raising awareness in connection with climate change-sensitive effects;
What types of activities are eligible?
Information, awareness and dissemination projects. According to the European Commission's 2016 LIFE call, this year the emphasis will be on supporting those projects, which focus on capacity building actions – “train the trainers” types.
Hungarian success
There have not been any successful Hungarian projects yet.