Last update: 11-05 -2024
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Last update: 11-05 -2024

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25 years LIFE programme

Capacity building

Hungarian Development Centre (HDC)

According to the Government Decision No. 1856/2014 (XII. 30.) Hungarian Development Centre (hereafter HDC) was established to harmonize the efficient use of direct EU Funds in the Carpathian Basin, and to attend to the tasks related to the implementation of the LIFE Programme for the Environment and Climate Change 2014-2020. The HDC aims for addressing the activities related to information dissemination, coordination and implementation of the programmes directly financed by the EU, hence its institutional structure and the team of experts have been set up accordingly. The conclusion of the implementation of the programming period 2007-2013 in terms of absorption capacity in particular, implies that the element of central coordination as well as a flexible management structure was missing in Hungary, hence stakeholders may have missed the opportunity to acquire information on the various EU initiatives that could have facilitated their project implementation, or have improved their project volumes or the quality of their projects. The MFK is committed to remedy this deficiency by providing comprehensive information and project management services. In order to improve the efficiency of the management system, the HDC is headed by the Ministerial Commissioner responsible for the coordination of EU direct resources. Inter alia, this management approach is to make the information flow smoother among consortium members and for the different target groups.