Last update: 11-05 -2024
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Last update: 11-05 -2024

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25 years LIFE programme

Capacity building

Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)

The Ministry of Agriculture is the LIFE national contact point regarding the LIFE Environment subprogramme: the Department for Environmental Development in the field of environmental protection (Environment and Resource Efficiency; Environment Governance and Information) and the Department for Nature Conservation in the field of nature conservation (Nature and Biodiversity; Environment Governance and Information). Furthermore the Department for Nature Conservation is member in the LIFE Committee established according to the LIFE regulation (1293/2013/EU) and has been implementing professional coordination concerning the nature conservation strand of the LIFE programme for more than 10 years. The two departments act as a consultant in frame of their national contact point role, provide support letter upon request, and monitor the implementation of the ongoing projects facilitating problem-solving If needed. Moreover the Ministry of Agriculture took par actively in the European Union level negotiations on the new LIFE programme and in the compilation of the multiannual work programme for the period 2014-2017




